
The long road to low code

Low-code tools democratize software development, a trend that dates back to the dawn of computing
process mining

A new spark for the digital enterprise

Process mining gives business the insight to automate strategically
Dave Wright Workflow Quarterly Optimization issue
Editor's Letter

Welcome to the Optimization issue

New research shows how leading companies orchestrate people, processes, and technology to drive business success

Hyperautomation can be as powerful as your imagination

Why optimization is the next step of successful digital transformation

How optimized is your organization?

Rank your progress against 900 other C-suite leaders

Upgrading the production line

Optimized manufacturing pairs highly skilled workers with advanced technologies
Our latest operation optimization survey reveals how global executives are automating processes.

The race to optimize business

Our latest optimization survey reveals how global executives are automating business processes and increasing productivity
Learn key facts and numbers that size up low-code software development demand, adoption, and growth.

Low code by the numbers

The state of low code demand, adoption, and growth
The digital revolution is pushing companies to replace siloed structures with digital operating models.

Why you need a digital operating model

In the new world of work, success depends on information, convenience, and exclusivity

The high rewards of low-code apps

Learn how to start investing in low code development tools and strategies for your company.
Crash Course

Low-code development: How (and why) to get started

Strategies for putting low code to work in your organization
Telecom industry winners will embrace digital platforms that deliver frictionless experiences.

Bring your digital twin to work

Emerging workplace tech will free up time by automating routine tasks
Digitisation of government services has restored trust with Australian citizens.

Tech to restore trust

The future of citizen services